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Assessment Of The Learning Process And System–Dr. Amal Kanti Sarker

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Author: Assessment of the Learning Process and System

Availability: In Stock

Publisher: Rita Publication


Course-IX (1.2.9) Assessment for Learning
Theory: 50 + 50 Engagement with the field: 50 l Full Marks:150

1st Half : Assessment of the Learning Process

Unit-I: Concept of Evaluation and Assessment

  • Meaning of Test, Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation
  •  Distinguish among Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation
  •  Nature and purpose of Evaluation

Unit-II: Approaches and Techniques of Evaluation and Criteria of Assessment Procedure

  •  Approaches–Formative and Summative; NRT and CRT
  •  Techniques–observational, self-reporting, psychological and Educational tests
  •  Validity–Meaning, Types and Measurement
  •  Reliability–Meaning, Types and Measurement
  •  Norm and Usability

Unit-III: Psychological Test

  • Meaning and concept
  •  Preliminary idea about–Intelligence test, Aptitude test, Interest Inventory, Attitude test, Creativity and Personality
  •  Achievement test–Meaning, characteristics, steps for construction and uses
  •  Diagnostic and prognostic test

Unit-IV: Evaluation

  • Types of Tests; Written Test, Oral Test, NRT, CRT, Summative Test, Formative Test, Diagnostic Test.
  • Scoring and Grading, Analysis of Score and Its Interpretation
    (a) Tabulation of data.
    (b) Graphical (Histogram, frequency Polygon)
    (c) Central Tendency (Mean, Median Mode)
    (d) Deviation–Standard.

UNIT-V: Problem–Learner

  •  Problem–Learner; Concept and Types,
  •  Identification of Problem–Learner; Observation, Case Study, Socio-Metric & Testing (Educational and Psychological) Techniques.
  •  Remedial Measures—Guidance & Counseling, Life-Skill Training.

2nd Half : Assessment of the Learning System

Unit-I: Infrastructural facilities

  • Rooms (types and numbers), l Classroom furniture,
  •  Sanitation facility, l Drinking water,
  •  Playground etc. l Library

Unit-II: Human Resource

  •  Teaching staff (Full Time + Part Time + Para teacher)
  •  Non -Teaching staff
  •  Students:- Boys / Girls / SC / ST /OBC / Minority / Special Needs Children.
  •  Teacher-student Ratio.

Unit-III: Management & Record Maintenance

  •  Managing Committee
  •  Committees for Academic Purposes
  •  Different Committees
  •  Fee Structure,
  •  Number of units/School hour/time table/periods
  •  Students participation—student Self-Government.
  •  Records: v Accounts related v Staff related v Student related v Curriculum related

Unit-IV: Special Service Provided

  •  Mid-Day Meal l Book bank for poor students
  •  Tutorial for weaker students l Remedial teaching
  •  Parent Teacher Association l Staff Welfare Service
  •  Health Programme l Conducting Talent Search Examination
  •  Providing Scholarship

Unit-V: School Community relationship

  •  Community involvement in decision making.
  •  Community Contribution to school
  •  Meeting with community members
  •  School response to parents.

Engagement with Field/Practicum
Any two of the following—

  • Writing educational objectives, learning experience and corresponding evaluation techniques, General and specific objectives
  •  Framing measurable and non-measurable learning outcomes
  •  Determining the objectivity given an answer key
  •  Determining the objectivity of a tool
  •  Finding out the content validity of the given question paper
  •  Designing Rating scale, Questionnaire, Interview Schedule in a given a topic
  •  Framing Different types of questions
  •  Preparation of Blue Print and a question paper
  •  Prepare graphs and use statistics for analysis of test result

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