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Things You Ought to Know – Natural Surroundings

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Author: Terry O'Brien

Availability: In Stock

Publisher: Rupa Publications


Engaging for kids and adults alike, the Things You Ought to Know series strikes the right chord between learning and fun!

Full of interesting information on various topics, from animals, plants and trees to waterbodies and aquatic life, Things You Ought to Know – Natural Surroundings is sure to amaze and astonish you with little-known facts about this wondrous planet we call home. It will encourage you to look around yourself more carefully – for you never know what you might observe! Find many fascinating facts in this book such as:

• A strawberry is the only fruit that bears its seeds on the outside.

• Eating grapes can prove to be fatal for dogs.

• An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain.

• A queen termite can live up to 50 years.

Compiled by noted academician Terry O’ Brien, this is a must-read for trivia and quiz buffs.


About the Author

Terry O'Brien is an esteemed academician and an ardent quiz aficionado. He is keenly interested in kindling the quizzing instinct in people and an aptitude to develop the 3Rs of learning: Read, Record, and Recall. He is a trainers’ instructor and a motivational speaker. He has penned many books. He is very well known for his flair for speaking and his articulating abilities in writing.


Other Details

Category: Reference.

ISBN: 978-81-291-3791-3

Publisher: Rupa Publications India

Pages: 144

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