Samaj Bigyan Paddhati: Rashtrabigyan
Author: Samaj Bigyan Paddhati: Rashtrabigyan
Availability: In Stock
Publisher: Rita Publication
Unit-I: Foundation of Social Science Teaching:
Aims and objectives of Social Science Teaching.
Social Science Curriculum, Values of Social Science Teaching.
Inter relationship of various branches of Social Science
Innovations in Social Science teaching
Inculcation of National Integrity through social science teaching
Unit-II: Strategies of Social Science Teaching:
Features, Limitations and comparison of different methods
Lecture Method, l Interactive Method
Demonstration-observation method, l Regional Method
Heuristic Method, l Project Method
Unit-III: Learning Resource in Social Science Teaching:
Meaning, type and importance of Learning Resources.
Quality of good social science text book.
Teaching aids in Social Science.
Improvisation of Teaching Aids.
Planning and organization of Social Science Laboratory
Unit-IV: Learning Designing :
Concept, Importance and Types of Learning Design
Steps of Learning Design
Qualities of Good Learning Design
Unit-V: Evaluation in Social Science Education:
Evaluation devices, evaluation programme in social studies
Competency based evaluation, continuous and comprehensive evaluation; formative and summative evaluation, diagnose and remediation; construction of assessment tools like achievement test.
Engagement with Field / Practicum :
Preparation of one Learning Design (compulsory) and any one from the following:
Visit to any one following places—
Historical Places, Ecological Places
Commercial Places, Political Places
Organization of any one following Programmes—
Environment Awareness, Social Awareness
Election Awareness, Blood Donation
Demonstration of Lab-based activities wherever applicable