Introduction to Database Management System By Prof. Jain S, Jain M, Singh S, Pillai V
Author: BPB Publications
Availability: In Stock
Publisher: BPB Publications
Database management system is a collection of program which enables to modify, store, update and extract the information from a Database. There are many Databases ranging from small to huge.
A DBMS organizes its information internally in many forms like flat, network, relational and hierarchical etc. The book discusses the administration of DBMS, the core definition of architecture of DBMS and designing of the DBMS in a very understandable way.
The book also highlights the rules of integrity, the relational model, the key theory and relational DBMS query language. The entity relationship model including entities, entity class, attribute, relationship, keys, borrowed keys attributes are also explained.
The Data Definition language and Data manipulation language is elaborated with examples. Also the concepts of Query Language like ISBL Query, SQL Query, Tuple-Oriented Relational Calculus, QUEL Query and Domain Relational calculus are discussed.
Under normalization and Schema design concept of Functional
Dependencies, Association and Schema Designs and Database normal forms
are explained in a plain manner. Advanced concept of DBMS such as Query
Processing and Evaluation, Transaction Management and Recovery, Database
Security and Authorization are introduced to the readers.A test along
with its simple solution is an added advantage.
The complete guide book Introduction to Database Management Systems
is written by S. Jain. The book provides practice test, numerous
instances, sampling problems, diagrams with explanations and easy
solutions on the subject.
The book is often recommended by students and teachers for academic studies. Also people from various fields interested in DBMS refer the book. The volume is dedicated to provide full knowledge on the underlying principles of RDBMS, Advanced DBMS and Distributed Databases.