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Historical, Political and Economical Perspectives of Education MEd -1st Semester -Course-2.1.2

Rs.280.00 Rs.266.00

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Author: Dr. Mihir Chatterji,Dr. Pranab Chakrabarty And Pranay Panday

Availability: In Stock

Publisher: Rita Publication


Unit-I: Historical Perspectives of Education:

  •  Education and national development: Indian perspective;
  • l Contemporary Indian education system, structure, policies, practices and major challenges;
  •  Constitutional and legal basis underlying educational policies and practices;
  • The evolution of national system of modern education in India;
  • Educational philosophy and ideals of Indian thinkers and social reformers;

Unit-II: Political Perspective of Education

  •  Relationship between education and democracy, Education and political development; Role of the State and civil society in education; Role of teachers’ union/organizations in education development.
  • Group diversity and politics of inclusion in education; Equity and inclusion in education; Education and national integration; Education for citizenship building.
  • Rights-based approach to education: Education as a human right; Rights, claims and entitlements; Claim holders and duty bearers; Child rights; Educational rights of minorities and disadvantaged groups; Affirmative action for promoting equal rights in education.

Unit-III: Economic Perspective of Education

  • Education—Public good, basic need, human right;
  •  Education and economic development; Education as investment;
  • Education and economic growth, poverty, inequality;
  • Education and human development, Human Development Index (HDI), human capability approach to education;
  • Impact of market failures on education development, neo-liberal perspectives and education development.

Practicum Practicum activities will include

  • Term paper.
  •  Library Studies.
  •  Group presentation

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