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Publisher: Rita Publication



Unit I : Discipline and  Subject

          l  Education as Inter-disciplinary Field of Study

          l  Nature and Characteristics of a Discipline

          l  Emergence of Various  Disciplines from Education

          l  Merger of Various Disciplines into Education

        l  Interrelation and Interdependence amongst Various School Subjects

Unit II : Science as a Subject and Discipline

          l  Nature and history of science

          l  Place of Science in School Curriculum.

          l  Science in day-to-day life.

        l  Relation of Science with other school subjects.

Unit III : Language as a Subject and Discipline

          l  Centrality of language in education

          l  Role of language in children’s intellectual development and learning

          l  Language in the school curriculum; aims issues and debates

          l  Policy issues and language at school

        l  Language as a Medium of Communication

        l  Phases of Language Development

Unit IV : Mathematics as a Subject and Discipline:

          l  Nature and History of Mathematics

          l  Place of Mathematics in School Curriculum

        l  Mathematics in Day-to-day life

        l  Relationship of Mathematics with Other Subjects   

Unit V : Social Science as a  Subject and Discipline

          l  Nature  and Philosophy of Social Science

          l  Social Science as an Area of Study

          l  Need of Studying Social Science through Interdisciplinary Perspectives

        l  Place and Relevance of  Social Science in School Curriculum

Engagement with Field / Practicum

Any two of the following activities on the content areas of the respective discipline:

        l   Individual Seminar Presentation

        l   Group Presentation

        l   Assignment Submission.

Mode of Transaction

Group discussion, lecture-cum discussion, pair and share, group work, panel discussion, symposium, assignments,  field visits and sharing of experiences                        

In pedagogy of school subjects, illustrations on content based methodology may be provided

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